
標題: 強烈要求解BAN 望乜春 [打印本頁]

作者: AkT`    時間: 2014-2-1 10:25:38     標題: 強烈要求解BAN 望乜春

那..我EMAIL 都SEND過.廢話小講.中出直入比內容你地睇
同埋搵返個原頭.話比我知點解會被BANNED 咁陰公!!!!!你知唔知冇得玩JB既日子幾咁辛苦..

i try more connect the c s 1.6 server ---- serer 2)( J B 2 )
please kindly follow that
and relieve banned for me, thank you!
My IP  :  and my steam id : zoerman520
Name : kT`
And, Can i know why will been banned..give me the explanation and how about the workaround..
thank you very much..!
Also troublesome to solve problems faster.!
In you group forum, my name is AkT`

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