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#5 English rule backup   [複製鏈接]



Rank: 5Rank: 5

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-9-15 00:46:00
  • 簽到天數: 246 天


    發表於 2013-9-8 19:33:43 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
    本帖最後由 XtreameTrialTX 於 2013-9-8 20:30 編輯


    1. In Base Builder Server,you can not say any badwords/open mic to say badword.If you do that,get ban forever.

    2. Can no move other player's block when you do not get the pass.If you do that,ban forever.

    3. In some bug map,You need to come back zombie home of quit.If you do not come and killed people,ban forever.

    4. Can not use any cheat,That can ban forever.

    5. Do not want to do CT and re-entry , and offenders turn TR, many malicious reentrant then ban permanent .If you have problem and re-entry,please call admin change you to TR.

    6. Voteban after you tell us why , for no reason when 9 ban (9 ban = ban 30 mins) Malicious 9 ban that ban permanent

    7. A common base ( jumping into the air base ) if the number of more than four people , there should be two entry , please help the entire admin

    8. Block door=People use the blocks to lock all TR DOOR.If the map have 2 door,and only block one,This can not mean block door.

    9. Can not wash experience(Re-in).If you wash,ban forever.

    10 Can not be built on the base spawn points , and offenders warning, recidivism ban 30 mins

    12. Semi -dong ( slow -hole ) base class can not be more than three people , not more than four individuals waterway base class , KZ (Bhop) base class can not be more than 4 people , or we need to have two entrance

    13. Do not use any Bug to Bug Exp, no reasonable explanation that ban permanent

    14. If a base is too high , for example 50 lv Less Gravity first jump , admin right to sacrifice the player / shift base to a reasonable position

    15. players without help from the base and into the base by , admin can kick / slay / slap / teleport or give the opportunity , many times nine entrants may ban permanent ( there is no help from your admin own judgment )

    16. Human spawn point may not be used to accelerate into stealth acceleration zone ( Hard expression - . - ) Offenders warning, recidivism ban permanent

    17. players , admin, vip are not use any bug exp account permanently ban offenders

    18. To avoid false appearance that any person can not borrow ac to others , and offenders ban permanent / EXP cleared

    [#5 new teaching]
    1. go to the control panel to enter "bind x (x = key you want) bb_lock", and then press x to lock the building.And then,press E to move block.
    2. personal recommend novices with M3, because you can bug bullets. method: enter/skill or 2 Level bullets, rest of Canada rate offire, and prep time after 2-1-3-1-R to bug bullets.

    3.Bug smg,Infantry Firearm  Way.Upgrade skill9(ammo) 30/40 level,and same for m3,but please not press R,1-3-1-3-1-3 = change knife = add ammo.

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    Rank: 5Rank: 5

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-9-3 12:55:32
  • 簽到天數: 211 天


    發表於 2013-9-21 12:22:05 |只看該作者
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