本帖最後由 cityhunter 於 2014-10-23 21:36 編輯
Dear Tim800,
Re : Report of your complaints and request
As representative of TDCS Administration Group . I am here to tell you the report of your complaints and the un-ban request .
I am sorry that your complaints about the administrator "youtwo" and your un-ban request has been Rejected ,by the following reason:
1. Irregularities Format
2. Lack of evidence
3. Poor attitude
4. Intimidation administrator , etc.
Therefore , we apologize that all of your un-ban request will not be Accepted .
If you want to appeals . Please start-up a new complaint in 3 days by following the format of the Complaints Area and must be post at the correct area (Please note that the title of the appeals must be "Appeals of the rejection" And after 3 days , your appeal will not be accepted ).We apologize of your case .
Yours sincerely ,
cityhunter Advisor Administration Group TDCS
投訴報告及要求解除封禁結果 Tim800 大鍳: 本人謹代表 TDCS管理層,回復閣下之投訴及要求解除封禁之結果。 由於下列原因,閣下投訴管理員youtwo及要求解除封禁之請求,將被否決。 1.違規格式 2.缺乏證據 3.欠缺禮貌 4.威迫管理員;等等 本人在此深表遺憾。此外,由即日起所有解除封禁之要求將不獲受理。 若閣下要求上訴,請於3天内於投訴區提出。(上訴帖必須符合投訴格式,及備有充足論據。逾時將不獲受理。) 本人在此深表歉意!
順祝 台褀 TDCS管理層 顧問 cityhunter 謹啟