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[一日一歌]Example - Kickstarts (Bar 9 Remix) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

  • TA的每日心情
    2015-8-8 13:38:41
  • 簽到天數: 720 天


    發表於 2012-4-21 15:13:53 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

    You want me to come over I got an excuse
    Might be holding your hand but im holding it loose
    Go to talk then we choke its like our necks in a noose
    Avoid the obvious we should be facing the truth

    Start to think it could be fizzling out
    Kinda shocked because I never really had any doubts
    Look into your eyes imagine life with out ya'

    And the love kick starts again
    Starts again
    The Love kick starts again
    Starts again

    Its the same old you the same old me
    You get bored and I get cold feet
    Get high get wondering eyes
    Forget ive never ever had it so sweet
    I realise what I got when Im out of town
    Cos deep down youre my girl in a golden crown
    My princess and I dont wanna let you down

    And the love kick starts again
    Starts again
    The Love kick starts again
    Starts again
    已有 1 人評分金錢 收起 理由
    Kamil + 50 接龍成功

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