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[一日一歌] :o) Havana Brown - We Run The Night ft. Pitbull [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

  • TA的每日心情
    2015-8-8 13:38:41
  • 簽到天數: 720 天


    發表於 2012-5-8 00:04:07 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
    本帖最後由 regedit1224 於 2012-5-8 00:12 編輯

    Havana Brown
    Red One
    Mr. Worldwide
    From Miami, Morocco, to Australia
    To the world.

    [Havana Brown]
    Run em like run em run em, whoop!
    Run em like run em run em, whoop!

    When the sun goes down down down down
    Boy are you afraid of dark dark
    And when the lights go out out out out
    Tell me do you know where to start start
    And when the bass gets loud loud loud
    That is when i feel a part, apart
    And when the world sleeps sound sound sound
    well the sound is the key of my heart

    We run, yes we run the night.
    we run, yes we run the night
    we-we-we run, we-we-we run
    we run, yes we run the night
    Run em like run em run em whoop!
    Run em like run em run em whoop!
    Run em like run em run em whoop!

    From the bottom of the map, Miami
    To the land down under, Australia
    You feel my draft, see my vision and hear my hunger
    As my money gets older, their's get younger
    They sell their soul
    But the devil knows I have no number
    I'm global baby hey!
    Official baby hey!
    Go go baby hey!
    Oh oh baby hey!
    No no baby hey!
    Yeah yeah baby hey!
    Now jiggle it baby
    Let me tickle it baby
    I know I'm lost
    It's gonna be hard to save me
    I'm sorry that's how Dade County raised me
    Ya heard me right
    We run the night
    Now fu*k you pay me

    [Havana Brown]
    We run, yes we run the night.
    We run, yes we run the night
    We-we-we run, we-we-we run
    We run, yes we run the night
    Run em like run em run em whoop!
    Run em like run em run em whoop!
    Run em like run em run em whoop!

    Feel it like a rush rush rush
    Brushing past me all over my skin skin
    I can't get enough 'nough 'nough
    Cause the beat keep pulling me in
    Taking me so high up up up
    A place that i’ve never been
    Party party all night night night
    Sleep all day ..then do it again

    We run, yes we run the night.
    Run em like run em run em whoop!
    we run, yes we run the night
    we-we-we run, we-we-we run
    we run, yes we run the night, the night
    Run em like run em run em whoop!
    已有 2 人評分金錢 TD 點數 收起 理由
    hoho20022222 + 20 恭喜當選第十三期好歌:D
    Kamil + 50 一日一歌

    總評分: 金錢 + 50  TD 點數 + 20   查看全部評分

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